"What teachers, adjudicators, musical partners and listeners appreciate about Ludmilla's playing is not only her technical facility, depth of intellect and thoughtfulness, but also her considerable degree of originality and creative courage." (KlasikaPlus)
"She played all the technical points (fast scale runs, doublets, flageolets) with confidence and precision, and her instrument sounded clear and bright." (Opera plus)
"Feuerwerk der Töne und Tempi" - “Firework of the sound and speed” (Wolfsburg Zeitung)
"...gleich das erste Stück bestimmte die Atmosphäre des ganzen Abends. Was für einen herrlichen Ton kann diese junge Geigerin produzieren – auch ganz oben auf A- oder E-Saite. Und wie musikalisch perfekt kann sie mit einem einfachen gezupften Plim-Plum einen Satz traumhaft schön ausklingen lassen..." (Theater Chemnitz)
Masterclass with Vadim Gluzman
December 11, 2018
Ludmila played for amazing Vadim Gluzman in Bratislava!
June 21, 2018
"...Festival Podkrkonošské hudební léto has already 2nd year..."
Absolute winner at competition
June 27, 2018
"...Ludmila became the absolute winner at The international violin competition ,,Mladé evropské talenty,, in honour of master Váša Příhoda in České Budějovice..."
Concert with Schlomo Mintz
Ludmila opened 53. season of Filharmonic orchestra Teplice with Jean Sibelius violin concerto and conductor Schlomo Mintz!
Wolfsburg Zeitung
September 08, 2015
"Feuerwerk der Töne und Tempi"
Opera plus
March 03, 2014
"Její projev je velice osobitý a sympatickým způsobem vybočuje z běžných norem."
November 12, 2015
"Všechna technická místa (rychlé stupnicové běhy, dvojhmaty, flažolety) hrála s jistotou a přesností a její nástroj zněl čistě a jasně."